Punisher: Body Count Episode 61

e 61 promo art

Jake and I were sleep-deprived while doing this, so prepare for a steady stream of mild anger at everything! 

Introduction – Jake talks about his busy schedule and I’m right there with him (except for some vidya game sessions).

News  – We cover the recent death of 2004 Punisher actor John Pinette dying, do some podcast deck clearing, and also talk about Wolverine dying soon.

Mail Call – We answer important questions about color coordination and the greatest generation.

Bullet Points – We cover Age of Ultron What If #3 and #4 and Thunderbolts #25. They’re okay.

Flashbacks – We cover Punisher 2099 #7-9. These are radical to the maxxx!!1! 

Discharge Papers – Jake and I like Captain America 2 and Hardcore History. You should check that stuff out!

Post-Credits – I went to the Record This subreddit and asked the talented people there to do a silly reading of the Long, Cold, Dark monologue. In the end, I went with Jamison Ward’s hilarious contribution, but you should check out everyone else’s as well!

If you’d like, hit us up on iTunes or RSS.

About Dane

A guy who loves comics.
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